Friday 25 March 2016

Suicidal thoughts

Hey loves,
So today is abit of a darker topic so if you would like to skip this blog post I would totally understand.
Many people have suicidal thoughts, and it can be a major issue if people aren't helped immediately.
I know it's hard when you are getting bullied and your parents are 'sooo strict' and life just seems horrible, but that doesn't mean you should kill yourself. I will be giving you loves some help on how to help yourself from suicidal thoughts and also how to help someone else in that situation, and i really hope it helps.

How to help yourself
•Promise yourself that for one day at a time, you won't do ANYTHING to harm yourself. Say to yourself 'just one more day, you're doing soooo well'.
•Keep anything that you could hurt yourself with eg. knives, razors, sharp objects etc. AWAYYYY.
•Try to tell people how you feel, whether it's your parents, teachers, friends, or anyone, just try to tell someone.
•Think of all the good things in life. Ok ok, right now you may think there is nothing left but trust me there is. Like your family, friends, and think of nature and how beautiful the world is... it's amazing!
•Make times for things you love. For example if you really love dance, each day get up and dance dance dance!

How to help someone else
•Understand the warning signs of a suicidal person;  click here
•Talk to them about it and show them just how loved they are.
•Don't leave them by themselves alot, this will encourage them to kill themselves.

Here are some further symptoms...

  • Change in eating and sleeping habits
  • Withdrawal from friends, family, and regular activities
  • Violent or rebellious behavior, running away
  • Drug and alcohol use
  • Unusual neglect of personal appearance
  • Persistent boredom, difficulty concentrating, or a decline in the quality of schoolwork
  • Frequent complaints about physical symptoms, often related to emotions, such as stomachaches, headaches, fatigue, etc.
  • Not tolerating praise or rewards
Hopefully this helped you loves, whether you are suicidal or know someone who is suicidal. If you hear someone say they want to kill themselves, don't let it pass. Speak to them right away and if you do fear they will kill themselves and you know there isn't much you can do (for example if you are their friend you can't follow them home and stay over their house all the time) tell someone about it right away. Also, let them know about childline, where they can talk about anything they want with professionals who can help them. Here is the childline webiste; click here You can also call them, in which case here is their number; 0800 1111
They make it very clear on their website you can call at anytime for free, and tell you about lots of other things, so definitely go check it out
I really do hope this helps, but if you do need any help I will be happy to help, dm me on twitter @arianasugg2 or you can email me.
Love you always,
PS- this was all written by me and NOT copy and pasted, so I do know what I am talking about, please do no hestitate to contact me x

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